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OSHA Network

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Please read the following notice carefully. Access by the user to the information will be regarded as acceptance of the conditions hereunder.

The information in the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work's World Wide Web service is provided as a tool to access up-to-date information on occupational safety and health.

The information does not purport to be comprehensive as the service is still under construction. Over time, it will be filled with more data, which will be regularly updated. Comments concerning the contents of information may be directed to

The user accepts that the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work and any other organisations who make the documentation available do so without warranty of any kind. The Agency does not accept responsibility for the validity or completeness of any data contained on the World Wide Web service, or for the consequences arising from the use of such data.

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work shall not be liable for damages or other claims and demands arising out of the use of the data.

Translation provided by the Translation Centre (CdT, Luxembourg), based on an English original text.