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European Network - Latvia

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On the occasion of the 80th Anniversary of the foundation of the Latvian State Labour Inspectorate and the 10th Anniversary of the ILO ? Baltic co-operation in the area of labour inspection systems reform, the Government of Latvia and the International Labour office took the initiative to hold a Baltic Tripartite Conference on Modern Labour Inspection on 28-30 October 2002, in Riga, Latvia.



Labour Inspection and Social Dialogue in France. Christiane Giraud

Revitalising Health and Safety in Small Firms. Malcolm Gifford

The Way Forward - Modernising Labour Inspection Systems in Line with ILO Standards. Annie Rice

Labour Inspection and Market Surveillance. Bernd Treichel

OSH-management and Labour Inspection. Nils-Petter Wedege

Modern Labour Inspection for the 21st Century. Bertil Remaeus

The Agency and its information network with the Candidate countries. Finn Sheye [1.54 MB]

10 years of Cooperation in Labour Inspection Systems Reform. Wolfgang von Richthofen [7.31 MB]

The Changing World of Work & the Implications for Labour Inspectors. Adrian Ellis

Report of the Baltic conference "Modern Labour Inspection in the 21st Century" hold in Riga, Latvia, 28 - 30 October 2002 (prepared by Bernd Treichel, ILO).



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