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  • ?Occupational Safety?, Riga, 2003, 288.p.
    The book deals with the following issues: prevention of occupational accidents and diseases, risk prevention and determination of working environment risk factors by providing the necessary basic knowledge, in order to manage the labour protection matters at the enterprise more effectively, as well as to establish safe working environment for the staff.
  • ?Occupational Hygiene?, Riga, 2003, 160.p.
    The book mainly provides the explanations regarding the essence of occupational hygiene. The book is dealing also with the following matters related to the working environment: chemical and biological factors, noise, vibration, microclimate, as well as the ionising and non-ionising radiation.
  • ?Occupational Medicine?, Riga, 2000, 704.p.
    Author: Professor Maija Eglite. The book describes different issues in the field of occupational health, providing a detailed description of the issues related to the occupational medicine (occupational diseases), by analysing the consequences of the impact of risk factors, as well as the principles of treatment and diagnosis of occupational diseases. The book might be applied by the doctors in general, occupational doctors, the labour protection specialists as well as the other interested persons.

In the field of the labour protection

  • Guidelines on the Labour Protection Law, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 52.
    These Guidelines include the Labour Protection Law with commentaries, explanations of the existing norms, as well as recommendations for the employers and labour protection specialists in order to understand and apply properly the requirements of this law, as well as to improve the working environment at the enterprise. These guidelines also provide an overall insight and knowledge about the main labour protection principles that might be useful also for the fulfilment of the other normative acts.
  • Guidelines on the prevention and evaluation of working environment risks related to the biological agents, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 72.
    These guidelines include the Cabinet Regulation No189 ?Labour protection requirements at work with biological agents?, as well as commentaries about the requirements of the regulation. Guidelines provide criteria and recommendations that might be useful for the employers and the labour protection specialists in order to interpret and apply the above mentioned regulation, especially with regard to the risk assessment, as well as the preventive measures at work with biological agents.
  • Guidelines on the prevention and evaluation of working environment risks in the field of construction, Riga, 2003.
    These guidelines include the Cabinet Regulation No 92 ?Labour protection requirements when carrying out construction works?, as well as commentaries about the requirements of the regulation. Guidelines provide criteria and recommendations that might be useful for the employers and the labour protection specialists in order to interpret and apply the above regulation, especially with regard to the proper delegation of responsibilities, arrangement of the construction sites, risk assessment, as well as the preventive measures to be carried out.
  • Guidelines on the assessment of the risk of working environment, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 72.
    These guidelines provide explanations on the basic concepts and components of risks, as well as the process and aim of the working environment risk assessment. Also the theoretical aspects, procedures, methods, risk matrices, examples regarding the risk assessment of the working environment are included.
  • Guidelines on the prevention and evaluation of risks arising from work environment noise, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 48.
    These guidelines include the Cabinet Regulation No 66 ?Labour protection requirements for the protection of employees against the risk arising from work environment noise?, as well as commentaries about the requirements of the regulation. Guidelines provide criteria and recommendations that might be useful for the employers and the labour protection specialists in order to interpret and apply the above regulation, especially with regard to the assessment of risk caused by working environment noise, as well as the preventive measures to be carried out.
  • Guidelines on the establishment of workplaces, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 60.
    These guidelines include the Cabinet Regulation No 125 ?Requirements for Labour Protection in Workplaces?, as well as commentaries about the requirements of the regulation. Guidelines provide criteria and recommendations that might be useful for the employers and the labour protection specialists in order to interpret and apply the above regulation, especially with regard to the establishment of workplaces, risk assessment and the preventive measures to be carried out.
  • Guidelines on risk assessment and prevention working with displays, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 48.
    These guidelines include the Cabinet Regulation No 343 ?Labour Protection Requirements when Working with Displays?, as well as commentaries about the requirements of the regulation. Guidelines provide criteria and recommendations that might be useful for the employers and the labour protection specialists in order to interpret and apply the above regulation, especially with regard to the risk assessment and the preventive measures to be carried out when working with displays.
  • Guidelines for use of safety signs, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 48.
    These guidelines include the Cabinet Regulation No 400 ?Labour Protection Requirements for Use of safety Signs?, as well as commentaries about the requirements of the regulation. Guidelines provide criteria and recommendations that might be useful for the employers and the labour protection specialists in order to interpret and apply the above regulation, especially with regard to the risk assessment and the preventive measures to be carried out.
  • Guidelines on the application and choice of personal protective equipment, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 28.
    These guidelines include the Cabinet Regulation No 372 ?Labour Protection Requirements when using personal protective equipment ?, as well as commentaries about the requirements of the regulation. Guidelines provide as well the information regarding the importance of the usage of personal protective equipment against one or another risk factor. Guidelines provide criteria and recommendations that might be useful for the employers and the labour protection specialists in order to interpret and apply the above regulation, especially with regard to the risk assessment and the preventive measures to be carried out.
  • Guidelines on using and choice of personal protective equipment against falling from height, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 12.
    These guidelines provide the recommendations for the employers and employees to understand better the role of personal protective equipment (PPE) against falling from height, as well as the classification of PPE. The description of risks against which the employees and PPE itself shall be protected, as well as the proper choice, usage and maintenance of PPE against falling from height are also included in these guidelines.
  • Guidelines on choice and usage of protective footing, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 12.
    These guidelines provide the recommendations for the employers and employees to understand better the role of protective footing, as well as their classification. The description of risks against which the employees and protective footing itself shall be protected, as well as the proper choice, usage and maintenance are also included in these guidelines.
  • Guidelines on choice and usage of protective clothing, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 20.
    These guidelines provide the recommendations for the employers and employees to understand better the role of protective clothing, as well as their classification. The description of risks against which the employees and protective clothing itself shall be protected, as well as the proper choice, usage and maintenance are also included in these guidelines.
  • Guidelines on choice and usage of protective gloves, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 12.
    These guidelines provide the recommendations for the employers and employees to understand better the role of protective gloves, as well as their classification. The description of risks against which the employees and protective gloves itself shall be protected, as well as the proper choice, usage and maintenance are also included in these guidelines.
  • Guidelines on choice and usage of protective helmets, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 12.
    These guidelines provide the recommendations for the employers and employees to understand better the role of protective helmets, as well as their classification. The description of risks against which the employees and protective helmets itself shall be protected, as well as their proper choice, usage and maintenance are also included in these guidelines.
  • Guidelines on choice and usage of respiratory protective equipment, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 16.
    These guidelines provide the recommendations for the employers and employees to understand better the role of respiratory protective equipment, as well as their classification. The description of risks against which the employees and respiratory protective equipment itself shall be protected, as well as their proper choice, usage and maintenance are also included in these guidelines.
  • Guidelines on choice and usage of eye protective devices (googles), Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 16.
    These guidelines provide the recommendations for the employers and employees to understand better the role of eye protective devices, as well as their classification. The description of risks against which the employees and eye protective devices itself shall be protected, as well as their proper choice, usage and maintenance are also included in these guidelines.
  • Guidelines on risk assessment and prevention when moving heavy objects, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 40.
    These guidelines include the Cabinet Regulation No 344 ?Labour Protection Requirements when Moving Heavy Objects?, as well as commentaries about the requirements of the regulation. Guidelines provide criteria and recommendations that might be useful for the employers and the labour protection specialists in order to create safe working environment, especially with regard to the risk assessment and the preventive measures to be carried out when moving heavy objects with the help of physical load.
  • Guidelines on the labour protection, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 56.
    This informative material include the guidelines of ILO (International Labour Organisation) on the management of the labour protection, as well as the Report of the EU Commission on the new strategy in the field of occupational safety and health for the year 2002-2006. The aim of these guidelines is to assist the enterprises to establish the corresponding and well-organised labour protection management system, at the same time being an informative aid for the policy makers in the process of elaboration of the labour protection legislation.

The other guidelines

  • Handbook for the entrepreneurs: ?Requirements for design, manufacturing, selling and starting the exploitation of the industrial equipment?, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 36.
    This handbook is an informative aid for the Latvian companies ? manufacturers, importers, manufacturers? authorised representatives, sellers as well as the users of industrial equipment and personal protective equipment, who import and install the above mentioned equipment for their own needs. The handbook provides the most essential information about the requirements for design, manufacturing, selling and starting the exploitation industrial equipment.
  • Guidelines on the activity of the competent institution, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 32.
    These guidelines could be useful for the institutions offering the labour protection services to the others. The main issues are the planning of activity, as well as the ?good practice? of such institutions.

In the field of the labour protection

    This material provides an overall insight on main aspects of establishment of workplaces, as well as the recommendations for the employers and the labour protection specialists on how to evaluate the factors of the working environment and to establish properly the workplace.
  • ELECTRIC POWER AND THE RELATED RISK FACTORS, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 28.
    This material describes the risks related to the electric power, the preventive measures for the reduction of such risks, types of flash burns, as well as preventive measures to be carried out in the case of flash burn. The booklet includes also the recommendations provided by the VAS ?Latvenergo? on how to avoid flash burns.
    The booklet provides an explanation of the concept of carcinogenic substances as well as their role. It also provides the list of works where the contact with such substances is possible and describes the risks to the health caused by carcinogens.
  • NOISE. Recommendation for dealing with the matters related to the working environment, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 28.
    This material provides the information regarding noise and related risks, as well as the preventive measures to be carried out in order to eliminate and reduce its harmful impact.
  • VIBRATION AT THE WORKPLACE, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 36.
    This material provides the explanation of the concept of vibration, its types, nature, impact upon the workers health, as well as includes the information about the measurement of vibration and the measures to be carried out in order to avoid the risk caused by it.
  • OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE WORK. Recommendations for dealing with the matters related to the working environment, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 28.
    This material provides the description of possible risk factors of the working environment, as well as the work processes most often causing such risks, when performing office and administrative works.
  • WOODPROCESSING AND FURNITURE MANUFACTURING. Recommendations for dealing with the matters related to the working environment, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 36.
    This material provides the description of possible risk factors of the working environment, as well as the work processes most often causing such risks, when performing wood processing and furniture manufacturing works.
  • AGRICULTURE. Recommendations for dealing with the matters related to the working environment, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 32.
    This material provides the description of possible risk factors of the working environment, as well as the work processes most often causing such risks, when performing works in the field of agriculture.
  • SUPERMARKETS AND TRADE CENTRES. Recommendations for dealing with the matters related to the working environment, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 28.
    This material provides the description of possible risk factors of the working environment, as well as the work processes most often causing such risks, when performing works in supermarkets or trade centres.
  • SHOPS. Recommendations for dealing with the matters related to the working environment, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 28.
    This material provides the description of possible risk factors of the working environment, as well as the work processes most often causing such risks, when performing works related to the maintenance and operation of shops.
  • HEALTH CARE ESTABLISHMENTS. Recommendations for dealing with the matters related to the working environment, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 32.
    This material provides the description of possible risk factors of the working environment, as well as the work processes most often causing such risks, when performing works in health care establishments.
  • HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Recommendations for dealing with the matters related to the working environment, Riga, 2003. Number of pages: 32.
    This material provides the description of possible risk factors of the working environment, as well as the work processes most often causing such risks, when performing works in hotels and restaurants.

Other booklets

  • Labour protection requirements in work with asbestos, Riga, 2001. Number of pages: 28.
    This booklet describes the work with one of the most dangerous substances ? asbestos, providing also the explanation of potential health problems caused by this substance. The booklet provides as well the description of the occupational safety and health methods and preventive measures to be taken when working with asbestos. This material might be useful for the employers and labour protection specialists whose workers are exposed to asbestos at work, as well as for the workers themselves, in order to help them to understand the harmfulness of asbestos and to carry out the necessary preventive measures.
  • CONSTRUCTION. Protection against falling from height, Riga, 2001. Number of pages: 28.
    The booklet describes safe methods of work when carrying out construction works, especially those where the risk of falling from height persist. This material also provides the recommendations for the establishment of safe workplaces at the construction sites. The brochure might be useful for construction managers, the labour protection coordinators, the labour protection specialists, as well as for those who carry out the construction works themselves, in order to ensure safe performance of works at the construction sites.
  • Working with computer and your health, Riga, 2002. Number of pages: 16.
    The booklet provides the description of the most important principles of ergonomics for proper establishment of workplace when working with the computer, potential health disorders, recommended exercises in order to reduce the harmful impact of the computer upon the health. This material might be useful for the employers and the labour protection specialists in order to arrange properly the workplaces, as well as to provide effective instructions and training for the employees working with the computers. This brochure might be used as well by the employees in order to take care of their health.


  • Performance of internal supervision of the working environment, Riga, 2003.
    This brochure provides the explanation of the main principles of internal supervision of working environment, by describing the benefits of the enterprise gained from the internal supervision of working environment, as well as draws the attention of employer to the potential risk factors at the work. This informative material might be useful for the employers as well as the labour protection specialists when starting the work in that particular field.
  • LABOUR PROTECTION LAW. Summary of most important requirements, Riga, 2002.
    This brochure describes the main principles of the Labour Protection Law, as well as the rights and obligations of the employers and employees in the field of the labour protection.

In the field of labour protection

  • Leaflet for the persons involved in construction works, Riga, 2003.
    The purpose of the leaflet is to remind the persons performing the construction works, as well as to those operating the construction equipment and technique, about the basic principles of the labour protection.
  • Leaflet for the workers involved chemical industry, Riga, 2003.
    The leaflet might be useful for the workers involved in the chemical industry, working with the following substances: medicaments, synthetic fibres, glue, paints, polymer gum, dangerous substances or products, as well as in the process of production and processing of plastics etc. The purpose of the leaflet is to remind the persons, working with dangerous chemical substances and products, about the basic principles of the labour protection.
  • Leaflet for the workers involved in metal - working, Riga, 2003.
    The purpose of the leaflet is to remind the persons involved in metal ? working (including the turners, milling machine operators, fitters, grinders) about the basic principles of the labour protection.
  • Leaflet for the persons involved in logging, Riga, 2003.
    The purpose of the leaflet is to remind the persons involved in logging, about the basic principles of the labour protection.
  • Leaflet for the persons involved in food industry, Riga, 2003.
    The purpose of the leaflet is to remind the persons involved in food industry (processing of milk, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, grain, as well as the production and transportation of animal and the other food products), about the basic principles of the labour protection.
  • Leaflet for the persons involved in textile industry, Riga, 2003.
    The purpose of the leaflet is to remind the persons involved in textile industry (production of textile products, clothes, leather products, including the spinning, weaving, sewing, knitting and painting works when synthetic materials are used), about the basic principles of the labour protection.
  • Leaflet for the persons performing transportation and handling operations, Riga, 2003.
    The purpose of the leaflet is to remind the persons (cargo handlers, stevedores, machine operators, crane (elevator) operators, tractor drivers etc.), performing the transportation and handling operations, about the basic principles of the labour protection.
  • Leaflet on vibration, Riga, 2003.
    This is an informative material for the workers exposed to vibration (when working with vibrating tools or driving a vehicle causing the vibrations). The purpose of the leaflet is to remind about the basic principles of the labour protection, especially providing explanations about the harmful impact upon the workers health caused by vibration, as well as the preventive measures for the reduction and elimination of risks.
  • Procedures for the investigation and registration of accidents at work, Riga, 2003.
    This leaflet in a simple way explains the main requirements of the Cabinet Regulations No.293 ?Procedures for the investigation and registration of accidents at work?. The leaflet provides the information for employers, employees and the labour protection specialists regarding the necessary measures in the cases of accidents at work.

 European week for safety and health at work 2003 ?Dangerous substances ? handle with care!?

Fact sheets